Breakfast Bombs

Looking for an alternative to the ‘ol bowl of cereal for breakfast?? Well these are a whole lot better than a bowl full of cereal! Think crispy, fudgey, and smooth!These little bombs are packed with loads of seeds, nuts, butter and coconut oil and are sure to go down a treat!

They have some organic crispy cereal in them and are loaded with all sorts of little superfood boosters. Filled with antioxidants found in the goji berries and the raw cacao, these foods help to stop free radicals damaging the cells.

The good fats from the coconut, butter and nuts are so important for growth development and cell function. They can also be used as a fantastic source of energy, especially for kids!

When my little ones aren’t feeling like eggs or other savoury options, these are fantastic alternative – he loves them!

You can press the mix into a tin and slice it up for something different too! They are best eaten straight from the fridge, as they will get softer as they sit out.

Breakfast Bombs
Yields 15
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Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
10 min
Total Time
20 min
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
10 min
Total Time
20 min
  1. 120g Cashews or Cashew Butter
  2. 50g Organic Butter
  3. 20g Coconut Oil
  4. 50g Maple Syrup
  5. 10g Raw Cacao Powder
  6. 50g Organic Brown Rice Crispies or Organic Brown Rice Chocolate Koala Crisp! (I use Natures Path brand from Iherb.
  7. 30g Organic Corn Flakes (Fruit Juice Sweetened) - I use Natures Path brand from Iherb
  8. 20g Almond Milk Pulp (or Almond Meal)
  9. 10g Shredded Coconut
  10. 10g Goji Berries
  11. 20g Black Chia Seeds
  12. 10g Sunflower Seeds
  13. 5g Pepitas
  1. Roast the cashews for 10 minutes at 180°C or until golden brown.
  2. Place into the Thermomix and mill 10 Sec/Speed 9. Scrape down the edges of the bowl, then process 1 Min/Speed 4. Scrape down the edges of the bowl again and process a further 10 Sec/Speed 6 or until a nut butter consistency is achieved.
  3. Add the butter, oil, maple, and raw cacao to the nut butter and cook 3 Mins/50°/Speed 3.
  4. Add all the remaining ingredients and process 3-5 Sec/ Speed 5, or until it looks similar to a bliss ball consistency, but with some of the cereal still in tact and visible.
  5. Roll into decent sized balls and place into a container lined with baking paper. Refrigerate until set.
Kitch'n Thyme


  1. Kaye Panni says:

    I have made these bombs a few times, they’re absolutely delicious….

    I have only 1 complaint! I can’t stop eating them!

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