Superfood Rocky Road
Super delicious, fluffy, nutty, chocolatey mess!
Well how about that with a healthy spin on it? One of the things this Rocky Road is enriched with is Maca powder that has vitamins, energy boosting properties, benefits for the skin, helps to increase energy, and helps with womens & mens health & reproductive health.
Another great superfood is chia seeds. Being high in nutrients, antioxidants, protein and Omega 3 fatty acids, I love to throw them into treats when I can!
Then my Healthy Honey Marshmallows are filled with Blue Spirulina & Pink Dragonfruit Powder! How wonderful! Natural colouring at it’s best! No numbers needed! More on the colours in my marshmallows post!
I often use 70% Organic Dark Chocolate for Rocky Road but in this one I use Callebaut Dark Chocolate Callets. It’s partly tempered already so it makes it easier to get a good smooth, shiny crack on the chocolate! I temper the chocolate by using the seeding method where you fully melt 75% of the desired amount of tempered chocolate to 50ºC and then you add the last 25% in to bring the temperature back down to 31-32ºC, without having to get messy and spread it out over marble to bring the temp down!
Alternatively, you can make your own raw chocolate with Cacao Butter, but it will have a low melt temperature, so just keep it in the fridge or freezer.
I love freeze-dried berries! In this one I’ve used freeze-dried strawberries in the rocky road and freeze-dried raspberries on the top with a sprinkling of rose petals for some added beauty!
The raspberries and strawberries help to cut through the sweet of the chocolate and give a nice tart effect!
YUM!!!!….But I must go now and wrap some Christmas presents! Enjoy guys! Gabrielle x

- 400g Callebaut Dark Chocolate Callets (or other brand of dark chocolate)
- 200g HealthyHoneyMarshmallows
- 100g Mixed Nuts (I used roasted Almonds & Macadamias)
- 20g Cranberries (unsweetend)
- 2 tsp Maca Powder
- 10g Chia Seeds
- 35g Toasted Coconut Chips
- 10g Freeze-dried Strawberries
- 10g Freeze-dried Raspberries, for sprinkling on top
- Dried Rose Petals, for sprinkling on top
- Place 300g of the chocolate into the Thermomix and melt 7 Minutes/50º/Speed 2/MC off.
- Scrape down the sides and add the remaining 100g of chocolate and mix 5 Mins/no temp/Speed 2/MC off.
- Scrape down the sides and stir a further 3 Mins/no temp/Speed 1. Your chocolate should now be tempered and around 31º-32ºC. (You can test with a thermometer to check, however if you are going to store in the fridge or freezer you don't need to worry too much as melting won't be a big problem anyway!)
- Add all the remaining ingredients and mix gently 1-3 Sec/Speed 2/Reverse.
- Place into a baking paper lined square cake tin, sprinkle with some freeze-dried raspberries and rose petals and place into the fridge to set. Cut into 12 squares or smaller squares and serve.
- Here is my healthy Marshmallows recipe.
Cranberry, Oat & Choc Chip Cookies
I came up with these scrumptious cookies a little while ago when I felt like making cookies but wanted a change from the husbands favourite of Cranberry & Macadamia! I was dreaming of something more hearty and thicker, like a really filling cookie. Well I kept dreaming and was drawn to a favourite classic combo of oats, cranberries and choc chips. Couldn’t be more simple, yet hearty and everything I wanted in a big fat bite of cookie!
Rapadura is a perfect sweetener in these cookies. A, because it’s much less refined that a white sugar or brown sugar. And B, because it will help the cookie to, once again, spread more slowly in the oven with it’s more complex sugar cyrstals which break down slower in heat. And C, because it will help the dough to be that much drier- a wetter dough will spread more quickly!
The creaming of the butter and sugar is really important too. The more air you can incorporate into the dough for these little gems the better! This air creates little bubbles, and when they enter the oven, the steam created causes the bubbles to expand and grow into super fluffy, puffy cookies!
They’ll look like little ant mounds when they come out of the oven so it’s really important to give them that gentle tap straight away so you end up with that perfect looking and textured cookie – crunchy on the outside, soft and oozing in the middle! Yumm!
I love the cinnamon hit in them! It’s so delicious! You could even use some pimento (Allspice) in them if you like too!
These cookies seriously take minutes to make, they are so ridiculously delicious and yummy for the whole family. So get in, whip up a batch and you won’t be disappointed! xx

- 80g Rapadura Sugar
- 125g Organic Butter, softened
- 1 Organic Egg
- 1 tsp Vanilla Powder, Paste or Extract
- 125g Rolled Oats
- 2 tsp Cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp Bicarb Soda
- 110g Wholemeal Spelt Flour
- 50g Unsweetened Cranberries
- 30g Chocolate Chips (rapadura sweetened - I use Organic Times brand)
- Place sugar into the Thermomix bowl and mill 20 Sec/Speed 9. Insert Butterfly.
- Add the butter and cream 1 Min/Speed 3.
- Add the egg and the vanilla and cream 20 Sec/Speed 3. Remove butterfly.
- Add the oats, cinnamon and bicarb and mix 20 Sec/Speed 2/Reverse.
- Add the flour and mix 15 Sec/Speed 2/Reverse or until just combined.
- Add the cranberries and choc chips and mix 5 Sec/Speed 2.5/Reverse.
- Place the cookie dough into the fridge for 45-60 Mins to firm. This is an important step to ensure your cookies don't spread. Soft things will spread more quickly than firm, so it's important to give them a little chill-out time in the fridge to firm.
- 20 minutes prior to getting your cookie dough out of the fridge, preheat your oven to 180°C and line to large baking trays with baking paper or get your silicone baking mat out.
- Once chilled, roll slightly heaped Tbsp sized portions of dough into a ball and place on the baking tray. Don't be tempted to squash them flat - they will spread more slowly in their ball shape.
- Bake for 10 minutes or until the edges are just turning golden brown.
- Remove from the oven and using a breakfast spoon, quickly and gently tap down these fluffy puffy mounds. This will give them the right finished look and also expose the oozing yummy chocolate!
- Cool completely on a wire rack before storing in an airtight container for up to 5 days....if they last that long! Let me assure you that they won't! 😉 Enjoy!
Real Dark Chocolate Easter Crème Eggs
I know that you will have all been hoping and waiting for these delectable little Easter treats, but I’m sure that many of you have seen the story about little Mavi that I have shared through our Go Fund Me page. If you haven’t, my dearest friends, who I hold very close to my heart and are like family to me along with all their extended families, very suddenly lost their precious 2 1/2 year old son in a tragic farm accident last Tuesday 15th March in rural NSW. It has been such an incomprehensibly sad time for my dear friends, for their extended family and for us as friends. The pain that we are feeling is nothing compared to their grief…we are just with them in spirit through tears and many many prayers.
Here is a picture of our beautiful most treasured and loved beyond measure Mavi.
Setting up the Go Fund Me page has taken up a large amount of my time and I apologise for getting this to you a little later than usual. But losing a child would have to be one of the worst possible things to go through in life, and as a friend you just want to be there to help, in some kind of small way. We have been thoroughly amazed to see the support network that have rallied behind them to ease their burdens slightly by generously donating to their fund. Between it being aired on the local TV station later this week and their local bank running a fundraiser too, it’s been truly wonderful to see that Aussie spirit of lending a helping hand so evident! If you feel compelled to donate or share please please do so. You can donate easily on the site or scroll to the bottom to copy and paste the link to share. Thankyou thankyou thankyou!
I truly hope that you will take the opportunity to create these beautiful little treats with your children over the coming Easter holidays. Make these together, cuddle your children extra tight, and nourish their hearts, minds and bellies.
I pray you have a safe, healthy & happy Easter and I send much love from my family to yours. Gabrielle xx
*****************A little about the Chocolates*****************************
With chocolate made from scratch from real ingredients these Easter eggs are the perfect treat to pull out and enjoy with your families this Easter.
I have this long time dream of one day being able to visit one of the amazing chocolate making establishments around the world. Perhaps the Callebaut factory in Belgium (right now I send so much love to all those that have suffered enormously over there….just such a sad world!!!) or some of the amazing places where chocolate is made in Switzerland or over Europe.
But for now having a go at making my own will have to suffice. Of course some of the steps like refining the chocolate to improve the taste and texture (called ‘Conching’) are quite tricky to do at home.
But hey this chocolate is real, without being loaded with unneccesary chemicals, preservatives and loads of sugar. This chocolate is good for your body, and is completely guilt-free.
When you buy a block of chocolate from the shops you’ve probably noticed that it has 3 big ingredients. Cacao paste (aka cocoa paste, cocoa mass, cocoa liquor), Cacao butter or cocoa butter, and sugar. So here I’m using cacao paste from Maretai Organics and Cacao Butter to make a great homemade version without all the added nasties. Cacao paste already has cacao butter in it, which is the fat, so unlike other raw chocolate recipes I use less cacao butter in a recipe that uses cacao paste to begin with.
My chosen sweetener that I use here is Coconut Nectar. You can substitute with coconut palm sugar however the mouth feel of the coconut nectar is just that much smoother and the overall texture of the chocolate is just sensational!
For the filling of these eggs, I’ve used a product called Coconut Paste. It’s not coconut butter, it’s finer and runnier, yet super duper creamy, smooth and just incredible. I buy the Loving Earth , I think it’s the best out there! The filling is dairy free, almost like a light caramel or a condensed milk in texture and then once set in the eggs in the fridge it turns fudgey and delightful.
If you don’t want to join these eggs together, you can just place some filling in the prepared chocolate shells and then once set in the fridge cover with chocolate to set. Up to you.
As much as I think making the chocolate from scratch is a whole lot of fun, if you can’t source the products in time for easter just do them at a later point over the holidays or use a good quality dark or organic chocolate. Enjoy!

- Chocolate
- 150g Cacao Paste (I use Maretai Organics)
- 50g Cacao Butter
- 60g Coconut Flower Nectar or Coconut Palm Sugar
- 1/2 tsp Vanilla Powder
- 200g Coconut Paste (I use Loving Earth brand)
- 100g Coconut Nectar
- 100g Coconut Milk
- 2 tsp Vanilla Extract
- Extra Coconut Paste for drizzling
- To make the chocolate place the cacao paste & cacao butter into the Thermomix bowl and mill 10 Sec/Speed 9.
- Add the coconut nectar and vanilla and melt and mix 5 Mins/37°/Speed 2.
- Pour the chocolate into a bowl and set aside for about 5-10 minutes to thicken slightly.
- Dampen a small piece of paper towel and wipe out the easter egg moulds with a little macadamia or rice bran oil. This will help the chocolates to release easily and also to give them a nice gloss.
- Pour the chocolate into medium easter egg moulds and swirl around until coated. Place in the fridge to set for about 5-10 minutes before repeating this step 2-3 times to get a good layer of chocolate in each mould. You may like to do this with a small paint brush to make sure you are getting a really even thick coating. Using a pastry scraper or a ruler drag across the chocolate to ensure a clean edge everytime you add a layer.
- You will need a total of 32 chocolate egg halves, so you may need to do this several times depending on how many moulds you have.
- Whilst your chocolate is setting, make the creme filling. Place the coconut paste, the nectar, coconut milk & vanilla into the Thermomix and mix 10-15 Sec/Speed 3. Set aside until ready to use.
- Gently un-mould the egg halves, being careful not to over handle as the heat from your hands will melt the chocolate. Place a small spoonful of the filling into each of the halves, levelling them off at the top. Sit the halves on a tray and carefully place them into the fridge to set for about 20 minutes or until the filling has hardened.
- To stick the two edges together, heat a baking tray slightly then place the halves briefly onto the tray to heat, then gently push the edges together, running your finger around the entire edges to seal properly.
- Place back into the fridge to set firm. You can serve them at this point or you can drizzle with a little extra coconut paste for a decorative finish.
Protected: Sourdough Chocolate Hot Cross Buns
Paleo Chocolate Raspberry Tarts (Gluten Free, Primal)
So I can’t really remember the first time I made these delightful tarts, however I do remember one of the most recent times when I made them! It was for my sons 3rd birthday last year! To set the scene a little, I decided to buy year passes to our local zoo, and take along a picnic lunch, a perfect simple birthday cake and these pretty little things!
Well that particular day turned out to be a scorching 30°C day! I got up early before it was that hot, baked a delicious flourless 2 tier chocolate cake, my old recipe that I used to do every week at the health retreat. I topped it with a beautiful dairy free chocolate ganache. Not realising how hot the day would be I poured it on, decorated it with all manner of adorable edible flowers, chocolate shards, raspberries, strawberries and blueberries! It looked a real picture!!….But if only I had one! In it went into the container…we packed up and off we went to the zoo. Off we went into the zoo to catch the croc show and low and behold what did I leave in the car, but the cake!!!!!!
Back to the car after only what seemed like 1/2 an hour and I grabbed that little darling, opened it’s lid….and what did I find??? A great big puddle of slidden, sloppy, melted, ganache drenched decadent deliciousness!!! And with that we sang Happy Birthday Z!! It almost seemed unbelievable, but I assure you there was no fixing that leaning tower of cake puddle! My dearest friends who know how perfectionistic I am, gave me an extra tight squeeze, helped me realise it wasn’t the end of the world…almost…and we just slapped it onto our plates…not it wasn’t even sliceable! What we ate was something delicious, despite its unfavourable looks!
That night I brought the remainder home, chucked it into the Thermomix and chopped it all up, then rolled it into balls and froze them. Oh my word, how a seemingly total disaster can be turned into pure delight. This was one of them! Fudgy, rich, and ultra delicious!
What did end up as pretty as a picture and a total hit were these awesome Choc Raspberry Tarts!!
It’s acutally the filling of the Paleo Chocolate Mango Tart with the base of the Lemon Tart combined with seasonal raspberries on top! Blueberries on top would be just as delish!
So here you are! Enjoy!

- 50g Coconut Palm Sugar
- 150g Almond Meal
- 50g Coconut Flour
- 30g Arrowroot
- 100g Organic Butter
- 1/2 Lemon, zested
- 1 Organic Egg, lightly beaten
- 60g Hazelnuts, roasted
- 80g Coconut Oil
- 80g Coconut Milk
- 120g Maple Syrup (approx. 5 Tbsp)
- 50g Raw Cacao Powder
- 1 tsp Vanilla Essence
- pinch salt
- 250g Fresh Raspberries
- Place the sugar into the Thermomix bowl and mill 10 Sec/Speed 9.
- Add the almond meal, coconut flour, arrowroot, butter and lemon zest to the bowl and blend 10 Sec/Speed 6.
- Add the egg and Knead 15 Sec.
- Wrap in plastic wrap, flatten, and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to chill.
- Preheat the oven to 160°C.
- Once the dough is chilled, roll out to 2-3mm thickness between 2 sheets of baking paper.
- Peel off the top sheet of baking paper, and using an 8cm round pastry cutter, cut 18 circles from the pastry. You may need to re-roll to get the 18 circles.
- Place the cut circles back into the fridge for 5 mins to firm slightly before pressing into 7cm fluted tart shells. Neatly trim the tops and if there are any tares, just use a little of the excess dough to carefully patch it, being careful to maintain an even thickness.
- Bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes or until golden brown.
- Remove from the oven, let sit in the moulds for 5-10 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool completely.* (They will feel very soft as soon as you take them out of the oven but as they cool, the base will harden. If the underside of the bases still feels a little damp once cool, you can turn them upside down and return to the oven for 5 or so minutes to dry out a little further.)
- If you need to roast the nuts, place onto a baking tray and roast for 10-15 minutes on 180°C. Let cool before using your hands to rub the nuts together to get rid of the skins.
- Place the hazelnuts into the Thermomix and mill 10 Sec/Speed 9.
- Add all the remaining ingredients and cook 2 Mins/50°/Speed 3.
- Pour the filling into the cooled tart shells and set in the fridge for 30 mins before topping each tart with 3 raspberries and returning to the fridge to set firm.
- *They will feel very soft as soon as you take them out of the oven but as they cool, the base will harden. If the underside of the bases still feels a little damp once cool, you can turn them upside down and return to the oven for 5 or so minutes to dry out a little further.
- *This is the same filling as I use in my Paleo Chocolate Mango Tart
- *This is the same base as I use in my Lemon Tart
Choc Hazelnut Spread
Luciously creamy indulgent chocolate hazelnut spread!
🍫🌰Choc Hazelnut Spread🌰🍫 Think drizzled on pancakes, as a crepe filling, drizzled over a cake, over fruit skewers, sandwiched between cookies (yup that recipes coming!!), stuffed into medjool dates, or simply spread on some crusty sourdough bread! Yum!! 😍
(You can see in the image above how molten and lusciously creamy it is straight after being made!)
It is SO easy to make your own Choc Hazelnut Spread or ‘Nutella’ in the Thermomix! .
Using natural healthier ingredients and making it from scratch there is a lot to love about a spoonful of this decadent creamy goodness! .
Have you ever read the ingredients list on a bought Nutella or choc hazel spread? Next time you go to the shops, make sure you do so! 🙃
Now look at the image below of how the ‘Nutella’ sets after being in the fridge overnight! It sets up so nicely and is the perfect spreadable consistency after sitting out of the fridge for just 5 minutes!
I made this ‘Nutella’ a few years ago and now use it on my sister in laws Paleo Nutella Cake on my website, so give it a go if you haven’t already!
Gabrielle xx
PrintChoc Hazelnut Spread

Luciously creamy indulgent chocolate hazelnut spread!
- Prep Time: 2 Minutes
- Cook Time: 6 Minutes
- Total Time: 8 minutes
60g Roasted Hazelnuts
75g Coconut Palm Sugar
100g Organic 70% Dark Chocolate (Use Dairy Free for complete Paleo)
100g Almond Milk
70g Butter or Coconut Oil
30g Raw Cacao Powder
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
- Place the sugar into the mixing bowl and mill 10 Sec/Speed 9.
- Add the hazelnuts and mill 8 Sec/Speed 9.
- Add the dark chocolate and mill 10 Sec/speed 9.
- Add all the remaining ingredients and cook 6 Mins/60°/Speed 3.
- Place into jars and store in the fridge or set aside in a large bowl for use in the cake.
Make sure you make the delicious Paleo Nutella Cake with this delicious spread!
Orange Cinnamon & Coconut ‘Hot Cross Bun’ Chocolates
I just had to do something really chocolatey for Easter!! I can’t help myself creating! I wonder if there is some name for that problem! haha
These are really simple to make! You will need my Coconut Butter for these!
And it’s a bit kitch with the crosses but how cute! Dont’ they just look adorable!
All grain free, dairy free and refined sugar free! Enjoy!

- 200g Coconut Butter
- 3 Tbsp Coconut Cream
- 2 tsp Maple Syrup
- 20g Orange Juice
- 1 tsp Orange Zest
- 1/4 tsp Cinnamon
- 100g Organic Dark Chocolate (70%)
- 50g Coconut Butter
- 2 tsp Maple Syrup
- 3 Tbsp Coconut Cream
- To make the chocolates place all the ingredients except for the chocolate into the mixing bowl and mix 10 Sec/Speed 4.
- Place into the fridge for 30 mins -1 hour to chill. Once chilled sufficiently, roll the mix into 14 even small bit sized balls.
- Break the chocolate into small pieces and mill 10 Sec/Speed 9. Then melt the chocolate 2 Mins/50°/Speed 2, scraping down the sides of the bowl closer to the finish time.
- Pour into a shallow bowl and dip the chocolates one at a time into the chocolate to thoroughly coat, before placing onto a baking paper lined rack or tray to set. You can place them in the fridge to set a bit quicker.
- Once the chocolates are set, place the coconut butter, maple and coconut cream into the Thermomix and mix 10 Sec/Speed 3-4.
- Place into a piping bag fitted with a plain nozzle and pipe little crosses on the chocolates. Place back into the fridge to completely set, then transfer into an airtight container.
- I couldn't find all my piping bags when I made these, so I popped the icing into a little glad bag and cut a little hole off one corner and used that to pipe the crosses! Little more rustic but still works a treat!
- Don't forget you'll need my Coconut Butter to make these!
Easter Egg Icecream Cakes – Chocolate, Date & Ginger Cake & Coconut Ginger Icecream
I came up with these little beauties a few weeks ago! I’d had some silicone easter egg moulds in the cupboard for a long time and I suddenly looked at them and just knew I needed to create some beautiful thing with them!!
My mind started wandering and I went through many different options! Suddenly my mind flicked to icecream and I had a massive lightbulb moment of something Icecream Cake!! I got busy in my kitchen creating and what I came up with was delicious! I was/am thrilled!
I wanted to make them grain free, paleo, dairy free, refined sugar free, yet full of love and Easter cheer! Of course the obvious flavour at Easter is chocolate so I wanted to have a hint of that, but also something to lighten it up a little! So that’s why I’ve gone with the coconut icecream, and those warm flavours of ginger and chocolate to compliment!
You can drizzle them with some raw chocolate or organic dark chocolate for a little extra decadence!
I hope you enjoy them as much as we will be this weekend! Happy Easter

- 400ml Coconut Cream
- 400ml Coconut Milk
- 80g Coconut Sugar
- 4 Organic Egg Yolks
- 1 tsp Vanilla Essence
- 20g Glace Ginger
- 100g Dates
- 2 tsp Baking Soda
- 80g Almond Meal
- 60g Arrowroot
- 20g Coconut Flour
- 20g Cacao Powder
- 2 Tbsp Coconut Sugar
- 4 Large Organic Eggs
- 100g Coconut Oil
- 60ml Coconut Milk
- 40g Glace Ginger
- Place the coconut cream and milk, along with coconut sugar, eggs and vanilla into the Thermomix and cook 8 Mins/90°/Speed 4.
- The mixture should be thickened slightly (enough to coat the back of a spoon). Pour into a bowl and place over an icebath to coo,l before placing the mixture into a a shallow container. Cover and place into the freezer for 3-4 hours or until firm but not completely frozen.
- Place the ginger into the bowl and chop 5 Sec/Speed 5. Set aside.
- Remove from the freezer and cut into small cubes. Place into the mixing bowl and blend for about 20 Sec/Speed 9. Scrape down the sides add the reserved ginger and whip a further 10 Sec/Speed 4.
- Spray out 2 x 6 hole (1/3 cup capacity) silicone Easter Egg moulds with coconut or olive oil then pour the icecream into the moulds and freeze for a further 1-2 hours or until firm. Remove from the moulds once frozen and place into a suitable container and place back in the freezer until ready to serve.
- Wash out the moulds to bake the cakes in.
- Preheat the oven to 160°C.
- Place the ginger into the mixing bowl and chop 5 Sec/Speed 5. Set aside.
- To make the cakes, place the dates into a small bowl covered with boiling water and add 1 tsp of the baking soda. Leave to soften for 5 minutes.
- Place the flours, 1 tsp baking soda, cacao powder, sugar, eggs, coconut oil and coconut milk into the mixing bowl. Mix 10 Sec/Speed 6. Scrape down the sides of the bowl.
- Drain the dates of the excess water and place into the mixing bowl. Process a further 10 Sec/Speed 6.
- Add the ginger and process 5 Sec/Speed 6/Reverse.
- Place 2 x 6 hole silicone easter eggs moulds onto a large baking tray. Spray the moulds with coconut or olive oil spray. Pour the batter evenly into the 12 easter eggs moulds (1/3 cup capacity each).
- Bake the cakes at 160°C for 20-25 minutes or until cooked through.
- Once cooked, leave to cool in the moulds for 10 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.
- Once the cakes are cooled, slice off the uneven edge so you end up with a flat surface and a 1/2 egg shape from the mould. Reserve those pieces for crumbling onto the plates.
- To assemble the cakes, crumble the reserved bits of cake onto plates and top with 1/2 icecream egg, flat side up. Then place 1/2 a cake egg on top of the icecream. You can serve as is or pour over a little organic melted chocolate (if not strictly Paleo) or homemade chocolate.
- I like both options! You really see the pretty pattern on the cakes without the melted chocolate, but having the melted chocolate also is very yummy!! So up to you!
Hazelnut & Cacao Nib Bliss Balls
This beautiful bliss ball recipe came about recently when I was going to make my Paleo Chocolate Mango Tart. I had planned to make a batch of bliss balls that day also. The filling for the tart was sitting in the Thermomix and upon a second glance I all of a sudden had a ‘uh huh’ moment! This would make the perfect start to some delightful bliss balls! Yummo! So the whole tart went immediately out the window! Well thankfully, not really! I added a few more things to the mix and by golly it was delicious!
I add a few medjool dates and almond meal, along with the cacao nibs which add a gorgeous crunch to each bite, and a lovely bitterness!
For the bliss balls I’ve reduced the maple syrup a little to 80g instead of 120g in the tart filling, as I like them to be more of an energy pick me up rather than an actual treat! I’m not a big sweet tooth, so I don’t mind it a little richer. It’s up to you.
You can also add in a protein powder to give them an extra protein kick for a post workout snack or for busy mums and breastfeeding mums! They are a little more fudgey with the protein powder. Try both and see which you prefer.
I then roll them in roasted hazelnuts! I love hazelnuts with chocolate or carob. (You can definitely use carob powder for these too!) They are just so good with the extra crunch on the outside! You could leave them with no coating or use coconut perhaps.
- 140g Roasted Hazelnuts
- 80g Coconut Oil
- 80g Coconut Milk
- 80g Maple Syrup
- 50g Raw Cacao Powder
- 1 tsp Vanilla Essence
- pinch salt
- 200g Almond Meal
- 4 Medjool Dates
- 40g Cacao Nibs
- 100g Protein Powder (optional)
- To make the filling, place 60g of the hazelnuts into the Thermomix and mill 10 Sec/Speed 9.
- Add the oil, milk, maple, cacao powder, vanilla, salt and dates and cook 2 Mins/50°/Speed 3.
- Add the almond meal & cacao nibs (& protein powder if using) and process 10 Sec/Speed 4-5/Reverse.
- Refrigerate for 30 minutes to chill. Once chilled the mixture will be much easier to roll.
- Place the remaining 80g hazelnuts into the Thermomix and chop 15-20 Sec/Speed 4.
- Place into a shallow bowl for rolling. Take small spoonfuls of the chilled mixture and roll into balls. Finish by rolling in the hazelnut crumbs and refrigerate until firm.
- My original version didn't have protein powder in them, however you can add it if you want to boost the protein content. They are a little more fudgey in texture with the protein!